Sunday, March 6, 2016

How to Know If You Suffer Social Anxiety

The social anxiety disorder is an ever increasing problem around the world. Today's society puts us in many different social situations where we are expected to act certain ways. This expectancy can cause intense nervousness and fear of not being liked or meeting the expectations of others.
Sometimes it can be difficult to tell if you suffer from an anxiety disorder, or if you are just naturally shy. Knowing the symptoms for social anxiety disorder can help you determine if you have it.
Firstly, it is important to clarify what this disorder really means. People with social anxiety generally fear specific situations. These situations can be fear of eating and drinking in front of others, being the center of attention, asking questions to strangers or just talking to people in normal social situations. The fear that a person with this disorder feels, may come from false beliefs that they are worth less than other people, or it can be a fear that they cannot explain themselves.

So what are the symptoms of social anxiety disorder?

As explained before, people with this disorder don't always know why they fear these situations; they just feel that "something is wrong". As a result, physical symptoms may occur. The symptoms of social anxiety disorder are:
1. Intense anxiety in specific social situations
2. As a result of the above, fear of being in social situations before they occur. This leads to avoidance of being around others and participating in social situations.
3. Physical symptoms that are a result of the panic attacks that you get. These can be confusion, sweating, strong pounding heart, blushing, shaking, muscle tension and an uneasy stomach.
These are the general symptoms of social anxiety disorder, and they might not apply to many people suffering from it. If you are wondering whether you have this disorder or not, try to be aware of your own behavior. Do you fear situations to the point where it interferes with your regular daily routine? If it is a big problem and really prevents you from doing what you want, it would be wise to get help. There are a lot of effective ways to cure anxiety which goes beyond the scope of this article.
Did you know that social anxiety disorder is the 3rd most common mental disorder in the U.S? It is becoming an increasingly big problem throughout the world, and has made the lives of many people miserable. The need for a simple, yet effective technique to treat this disorder is perhaps more important today than ever.

Social Anxiety Disorder


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