If you have ever felt anxious when starting at a new job or a new school, there is a good chance that that anxiety dissipated once you became accustomed to your new social situation. While this response is perfectly normal, there are some people who experience a fear of being embarrassed or judged when placed in a social situation but the only difference with these people is that the fear never dissipates. Commonly known as social anxiety disorder or social phobia, those who suffer from this disorder may find themselves choosing to avoid any form of social situation so they can avoid the symptoms that these events can commonly cause.
While some may think that social anxiety is nothing more than just being shy, those who deal with the social anxiety disorder symptoms know that it is much more than that. Although it is perfectly normal to feel shy on occasion, shyness should not prevent you from enjoying the things that you love. Social anxiety disorder symptoms can be classified as an extreme shyness that often comes along with the physical symptoms of anxiety.
Basic shyness becomes social anxiety when the thought of just being around other people is more than you can bear, and even being around friends and family may prove to be too much for you to handle so instead you choose to isolate yourself from those that you care about the most. This disorder is actually quite common and overcoming social anxiety is possible with the right type of treatment. While there may be times when your social anxiety disorder symptoms may be more than you can bear, it's important to stay strong even in the hard times because overcoming social anxiety truly is possible.
Those who suffer from some form of social anxiety disorder may find it hard to enter any social situation because they worry that their social anxiety disorder symptoms will become known to the world. So instead of risking having to explain their symptoms, they hide from the potentially embarrassing situation. Social anxiety disorder symptoms include, but are not limited to the following physical symptoms:
- Heart palpitations
- Uncontrollable trembling
- Sweating
- Tense muscles
- Twitching muscles
- A dry throat
- Uncontrollable blushing
- A feeling of dizziness
- A sinking feeling in the stomach
- An overwhelming feeling of wanting to run away from the situation
Social anxiety can also have an effect on the anxiety suffers mental state of mind. Symptoms include, but are not limited to the following:
- Feel self-conscious about yourself and feeling like you have failed.
- Choosing to avoid the feared social situation. This commonly leads to the isolation from friends and family.
- Choosing to abuse alcohol or other drugs in order to feel less inhibited in a fear inducing situation.
People who suffer from social anxiety disorder may fear any form of social event simply because they do not want to have to deal with the symptoms that their disorder. Some of the most common anxiety inducing situations are:
- Being placed in a situation where you are introduced to other people
- Being in a situation where you are teased or criticised
- Being in a situation where you are the center of attention
- Being in a situation where you are being watched while doing something
- Being in a situation where you are to meet and talk with people in authority
- Being in nearly any social encounters
- Being forced to make small talk at parties
- Having to speak in a group
- Having to eat and drink in public
- Having to meet or talk to members of the opposite sex
- Having to use the telephone
Regardless of how long you have been dealing with social anxiety disorder symptoms remember that you are not alone and help does exist. Enlist the help of a trained professional and you may just be able to say good-by to your symptoms for good.
Social Anxiety Disorder
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